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Our View Of Custom Application Development

Computers tend to be more and more important part of our life. They help us to automate lots of mundane actions, such as shopping, newspaper reading, talking with friends, working etc. Every such activity requires a certain set of options. Besides, each person has his or her own unique needs, so a software application which is good for one group of users will be inconvenient for some another group. Thus a demand for new, smarter solutions is supported, which powers the competition of producers, engineers’ creativity and, as a result, the evolution of custom application development. The earliest software applications, which came into use after the first graphic interface systems had been introduced, were a big breakthrough for that time. Still, time runs much faster in the IT world, so several epochs have already passed since that time. Nowadays we have much higher standards for custom applications development – apart from a functional set, the following important qualities are most often required:

  • Enhanced productivity

No matter is it image capturing or business analytics, your application must deliver results at once. Nowadays users all over the world are very sensitive to any time lags, so you have to make sure they won’t find the application too slow.

  • Computer resources preserving;

Well, the app you provided to your customer may be really awesome, but it cannot be the only thing he has installed on his machine. An average user usually has from 5 to 10 different apps running on his or her computer at once. If one of those apps is yours, you are responsible for it not taking too much memory or CPU.

  • Seamless integration

Multiple types and versions of operating systems are used now by people all over the globe. A challenging custom application provider must thus ensure that his products are compatible with most widespread OSs and platforms.

  • User-friendly interface

Apart from rich functionality and good productivity, the outlook of an application is nonetheless important. People like nice things so good and convenient design may be even more crucial for a user than any other priorities of an application.   Considering the growing importance of smart and up-to-date software solutions for users all over the world today, Binary Studio, a leading outsourcing software development company in Ukraine, is focusing its efforts on custom application development in order to make a contribution into this field. Our major services are:

  • Custom desktop applications development;
  • Web applications development;
  • Mobile applications development;
  • Testing customer’s applications.

As we know, ultimate excellence is impossible to reach, so there always will be room for improvements. That’s why higher quality standards for custom applications are introduced each season, which provides new challenges for software development companies. In order to provide our customers with best solutions we are concerned about ensuring high quality of our work. Our approach to custom application development includes:

  • Using advanced methods of development

We have big experience with implementing Agile methods for the working process organization. Combining iterative programming with flexible task management tends to bring good results in application development.

  • Paying close attention to team building

Our company encourages teambuilding activities including team meetings, informal events and celebrations. This helps a lot to strengthen ties between team members!

  • Maintaining the highest level of knowledge sharing

Intensive communication is a key element of a team performance. Rich knowledge sharing makes it easy for developers to brainstorm various blocking issues. If you are interested in custom application development and are willing to find a value-added nearshore contributor, we are ready to help! Feel free to contact us or to join the discussions in our blog.

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