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Automation Software Testing Services

Boost your product’s quality and time to market with cost-efficient automation QA

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Why choose Binary Studio’s automation testing services


Top 0.5% automation QA engineers

We employ only 0.5% of the best automation testing engineers, making sure they are experts in the technology they work with, are great team players and communicators, and are truly dedicated to the success of clients’ products.

Personalized approach

We scrupulously analyze each product to understand what testing strategies will work best. On top of that, we offer flexibility in terms of different forms of cooperation: you can hire individual automation testers or have a whole dedicated team built for you.

Convenient timelines

We know how important it is to quickly launch a new or updated product so we’ll set up a testing team within just 2 weeks and will adjust the process to your desired timeline, even if you require a harsh deadline.

Our QA automation services


Functional testing

Functional testing is meant to evaluate the product’s features and the logic behind them. Our QA engineers will run automation tests to make sure that everything functions as expected, covering those aspects that don’t require manual human input.

Performance testing

An automation testing company will also check your software’s responsiveness and speed. Automation tests will simulate different workloads and network conditions to help identify the issues that might arise because of high traffic or poor connectivity.

Integration testing

Automation tests can simulate interactions between the different systems. If your product connects to different APIs or other third-party systems, it’s essential to test if all integrations work seamlessly and don’t affect the overall performance.

Regression testing

Automation regression testing is crucial for products that are constantly growing and scaling up. These tests will help ensure that new features don’t negatively affect the existing ones and that new potential bugs don’t intrude on the previously validated functionality.

Security testing

Our automation testing engineers will monitor your product to find different types of security vulnerabilities and validate the safety of user input that protects sensitive data from unauthorized access or hacker attacks.

Compatibility testing

For products used on different devices and platforms, automated compatibility testing will help quickly check if there are any layout inconsistencies or functionality discrepancies between different systems.

Binary Studio’s awards

Every year, we’re recognized by the B2B platform Clutch among the leaders in various niches of development. In recent years, we’ve been included on the lists of top software testing companies in particular.

Automation quality assurance process

By partnering with an automation testing company, you can choose a type of cooperation and either extend your own team with QA specialists or have a dedicated team working exclusively for your project. Either way, the process will go through the following stages:

Icon Icon Icon Icon
1 Defining the scope of automation testing We’ll analyze your product and requirements to define what parts of the software will be tested by automation tools and what strategy will suit the most. 1-2 weeks
Team member Team member

Head of PMO

Delivery Manager

2 Setting up the testing environment Our QA engineers will define the strategy, set up a testing environment, prepare the test data, and write test scenarios. 1-2 weeks
Team member

Testing Team

3 Executing various tests Our testers will carry out various tests according to the plan and written scripts. In the process, they’ll document the outcomes, both successful executions and problems. 1-2 weeks
Team member

Testing Team

4 Analyzing the results of automation testing After each cycle of testing, we’ll analyze the results and provide you with reports on the issues that were identified and fixed. 1-2 weeks
Team member

Testing Team

Need cost-efficient automation testing?

Let’s discuss your project

Our automation testing cases

We’ve provided software testing automation services for different applications and industries, ranging from healthcare and wellness to real estate.

Need automated testing to accelerate time to market?

We can help you quickly ensure the best quality of your product

What our clients say

One thing that continues to impress us is the exceptional quality of engineers that Binary Studio is able to provide us
Mark Volkmann - CEO /
Massage Book
Binary Studio has really been pivotal in FanAngel's success
David Burton - CEO /
Binary Studio is an ideal software development partner and our experience working with them has been fantastic
Pascal Desmarets - Founder & CEO /
Mark Volkmann
Mark Volkmann
CEO / MassageBook
Charleston, SC Charleston, SC
David Burton
David Burton
CEO / FanAngel
San Luis Obispo, CA San Luis Obispo, CA
Pascal Desmarets
Pascal Desmarets
Founder & CEO / Hackolade
Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium

When do you need automation testing services


Lots of software integrations

Automation tests can greatly speed up the QA process if your product has a myriad of connections with third-party systems and you want to ensure the stability of integrations and the integration of data being shared in between.

High-risk conditions

When a software solution is designed for critical functionality, automation tests can help with higher precision and clarity of the results. Find a reliable QA automation service provider to ensure the error-free performance of the live product.

Cross-platform solution

If you need to cover several different testing environments, automation QA will make the process more efficient. Consult a testing provider company to understand what parts of your products can be tested with automation tools.

Automated software testing services FAQ

  • What is QA automation?

    Automation testing is a methodology of testing that implies using specific tools that automatically check different aspects of software. Automation testing is commonly used for repetitive test scenarios, testing of cross-platform solutions, or data-driven testing.

  • Do I need both manual and automation testing?

    Yes. In most cases, you’ll need to test your product with both automated tools and human input. Automation QA will provide you with clear and precise fixes, while manual QA will ensure that everything works fine related to human interactions with the product and its overall look and feel.

  • What are the benefits of using automation testing?

    Thanks to automation tools, testing can be handled much faster and at lesser costs. Plus, it provides higher precision and can be continuously implemented in the CI/CD processes. With that said, you can save time and money, increase test coverage, and improve the accuracy of testing thanks to partnering with a QA automation company.

  • What is included in automated testing services?

    Normally, an automation testing provider company will plan the testing process according to your requirements, select the suitable testing tools and set up testing environments, prepare the data for testing, create testing scripts and execute them, and report on the results.

  • How does the process of automation testing work?

    In the beginning, engineers will define testing goals and then proceed to plan the scope and strategy of automation testing for your software product. Once the approach is chosen, testers choose automation frameworks and set up the automation testing environment. After that, they execute various types of tests: they write test scripts and run them in automation tools. In the process, QA engineers also prepare reports about test cases and the identified issues. At the end of the testing cycle, test scripts and results are reviewed for possible adjustments.

  • What do I need to start with the service of automation testing?

    Experienced automation testers will help you devise a strategy and find the right tools based on your needs and particular software. All you need to do on your part is provide your business requirements, the goals you want to achieve with testing, and potential deadlines.

Let’s discuss your automation testing project

Schedule a free consultation to estimate the scope of automation testing:

  • We’ll analyze your product and requirements
  • We’ll devise the optimal testing strategy
  • We’ll provide you with automation QA experts to execute tests
Edward Robe
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Let’s discuss your automation testing project