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Software Development Outsourcing Companies: Comparison Of Prices

November 2013 Update: Also check out Why Ukraine for similar content with video format. As the world IT outsourcing industry continues to grow faster and faster, regional markets are undergoing certain changes. The process of evolution gradually changes the face of the industry. Some software development outsourcing companies are entering this market while others are leaving the game. Several years ago we could observe Eastern Europe gaining strong positions in the software developer niche earlier monopolized by China and India. Today the nearshore outsourcing to the CEE region (Central and Eastern Europe) becomes more and more popular for IT companies from Germany, France, UK, USA and other hi-tech industry leaders. Difference in prices – this is what drives forward the outsourcing industry most of all. Corporations will seek foreign contributors for their projects as long as they suppose to cut overall costs by that. So, when searching among software development outsourcing companies in an offshore region, one will always check average salary levels in that place first. Earlier we have made some research in order to compare software developers’ fees in several countries. During the next 12 months many events occurred in the world software market, so a new statistical investigation would be helpful to better illustrate the potential of the CEE countries. A lot of surveys are required in order to define a precise median software developer salary in a country, but such a big research does not actually respond to our blog’s format. Still we can make certain evaluation of salary levels by examining some job-related websites which make their own researches. For example, PayScale provides fresh statistics on many countries, including median salaries in software development outsourcing companies.

The salary levels are sorted by price, and we can observe a significant difference between the ‘demand zone’ representatives (such as Germany) and the active players of the software development outsourcing market (such as Ukraine). Thus the CEE countries remain very attractive for companies which look for offshore contributors. As for Ukraine, local software development outsourcing companies have lowest prices in the region. Of course, the professional level of future contributors working for your project is important as well. During the last half a decade Ukrainian software development branch made a notable progress. Today it gradually becomes almost as influential as country’s traditional economies including metallurgy and machine building. Former industrial heart of USSR is now successfully moving towards hi-tech sector and its most promising part – software development. So the main advantages of outsourcing your web or custom application development project to Ukraine are as follows:

  • You save costs: we have already shown the price difference in the chart above;
  • It is close: Ukraine borders the EU and shares almost the same daylight time with many IT industry leaders from Western Europe, such as France, Germany, Netherlands;
  • Skill level is high: programming and computer science continues to gain popularity in Ukraine, so we have lots of young, ambitious and talented developers here, who have good level of English in majority.

Our company is always aiming to use all the advantages of our location. Binary Studio has never put itself inside a regional cluster but always remained open to customer proposals from any corner of the planet. We have successfully cooperated with clients from USA, UK, France, Finland, Netherlands, Germany, and Italy. Fluent English is our strict inner requirement because we consider constant and rich knowledge exchange with the customer side as a primary necessity for a software development outsourcing company. Binary Studio, a leading software development outsourcing company in Ukraine, is ready to discuss your project with you and offers you the services of a skilled .NET/PHP developer team! Feel free to contact us, and we’ll be glad to help your business get evolved!

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